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  • Jahr / 2022
  • Kategorie / Office
  • Autor / Dado Concept snc
  • Fotos / Massimo Crivellari

Eggboard Matrix - Progetto CMR Giacobone & Roj

Geosoft Srl is a leading Italian software house in the development of software for mapping, digital photogrammetry and GIS. The important building, which is part of the architectural heritage of Azzano Decimo, is developed on an open floor plan with independent work areas or combined with others, recreational and relaxation areas. The lighting design created by Artemide for the Geosoft Srl building is an excellent example of how light can be used strategically to create a versatile and stimulating environment.

Alphabet of Light System - BIG Bjarke Ingels Group

Tolomeo decentrata suspension - Michele De Lucchi & Giancarlo Fassina

Talo wall - Neil Poulton

Smart Office - Carlotta de Bevilacqua

Smart Office - Carlotta de Bevilacqua

Eggboard Matrix - Progetto CMR Giacobone & Roj

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