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Happy Child

  • Année / 2020
  • Catégorie / Culture
  • Auteur / Studio RAM-AA
  • Photo / Carola Merello

In the centre of Basiglio, a parish kindergarten from the sixties becomes an avant-garde primary school where Happy Child experiments with innovative teaching methods.

The architectural project consists in the creation of a new volume connecting the existing buildings: a large elliptical glass portico overlooking the park.

The layout of the rooms creates a continuous dialogue between inside and outside.

Falkland - Bruno Munari

Falkland - Bruno Munari, A.39 - Carlotta de Bevilacqua

The wooden ceiling is designed by the light rays of the A.39 system.

The Folklands are the protagonists of the central space.

The three diameters of the circles that compose the lamp define the size of the sound-absorbing holes on the false ceiling.

A.39 - Carlotta de Bevilacqua

Tolomeo - Michele de Lucchi & Gianfranco Fassina

A.39 - Carlotta de Bevilacqua, Falkland - Bruno Munari

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